Sõna Virgin Mary tõlge inglise-itaalia
- madonnaNon mi è apparsa come una vergine, come quando si sogna la Madonna, ma avevo studiato talmente a lungo il suo documento che l'ho sognata anziana. She did not appear to me as a young girl, like when we dream of the Virgin Mary: I had pored over her document for so long that I dreamt she was an elderly lady.
- MadonnaNon mi è apparsa come una vergine, come quando si sogna la Madonna, ma avevo studiato talmente a lungo il suo documento che l'ho sognata anziana. She did not appear to me as a young girl, like when we dream of the Virgin Mary: I had pored over her document for so long that I dreamt she was an elderly lady.
- Vergine MariaSignor Presidente, ieri, 3 maggio, mentre l’Unione europea celebrava il suo allargamento, il popolo polacco onorava la beata Vergine Maria Regina della Polonia. Mr President, yesterday, 3 May, when the European Union was celebrating its enlargement, the people of Poland were honouring the Most Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen of Poland.
Sõna Virgin Mary tähendused
- Mary, the mother of Christ
- A drink made with tomato juice and spices, resembling a Bloody Mary, but without alcohol
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